open space

Many people have own experience and expertise on the field of Anthroposophical meditation. The Open Spaces is a venue to share these with other participants. In the registration form you can sign up for a contribution at the Open Space. There will also be the possibility to form groups spontaneously, looking at specific questions or topics. You find the already assigned contributions below.

Robert Greuillet

CNV ou NVC La Communication NonViolente et la présence à soi. Incarnation.


Wang Peng

Leadership and Daily Life


Nana Woo

«What is LOVE»: Eurythmy & Storytelling performance


Keith and Leanne Simons

Hocoka - deep listening - talking circle with meditation


Ron Dunselman and Simon Reakes

Hindrances on the Path


Robin Schmidt and Bodo von Plato

On the meditative Path of the «Goetheanum – School of Spiritual Science».

An introduction to the idea and the field of meditative experience of the «School of Spiritual Science» that Rudolf Steiner founded in 1924 as a fundament for anthroposophic work.

Karin Joos

Aspekte/Erfahrungen meditativer Vertiefung urbildhafter Zusammenhänge -wie z.B. «Punkt - Umkreis» / «Gleichgewicht»

- zu allgemein sozial-relevanter Wahrnehmungs-Orientierung, - zu wissenschaftlicher Methodik, - sowie insbesondere im künstlerisch-bildhaften Gestalten.


Michael Dvir

Alpha und Omega - Die Meditative Alphabetkunst von Georg Goelzer nach Hinweisen Rudolf Steiners


Rudi Ballreich

Film «Von Business to Being». Trailer (German)


Agnes Hardorp

Meditation geht durch Tun!

Wir machen einfache Übungen mit Gegenständen und Worten und tauschen uns anschliessend darüber aus.

Questions about meditation are answered through the doing!

We will do simple meditative exercises and share our experiences.


Silke Sponheuer and Perry Havranek
