John Ralph

I have been fascinated by the perspectives and insights offered at the fringes of somatic perception for as long as I can remember.  In 1984 I began working my way into anthroposophy, living and learning in Camphill communities with individuals presenting learning challenges like and unlike my own.
I graduated and began teaching eurythmy in 1988, which then extended into teaching a variety of topics in curative education and social pedagogy to undergraduate students for over 10 years, including creativity as a means of discovery.  I had already recognised the importance of living with nourishing questions, and now self-education through questioning became a necessity.  This work taught me the value of what I learn from meditative insight, through and beyond what I have read and what others say.  Rudolf Steiner has not been my only teacher.  Would he have wanted that?
Recently I gained a Master of Research degree at the University of Aberdeen.  I have been contributing to the Forum for Meditation in Research since 2014.  My interests include collaborative meditation research methods and how to value 'being' as much as 'doing' in social care.
How can we develop a true relationship to reality when facing the floods and gales of contradictory information and disinformation through the media on and offline?  What meditative approaches bring us into closer touch with realities?  Beyond the awakenings of personal practice, it has been very fruitful for me to work on significant questions with others.  The questions themselves hold the keys to what can reveal itself.  The learning from collaborative work in the Forum for Meditation in Research will be shared in our workshop together.

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