Joan Sleigh

Born and grown up in South Africa. Married and moved to Germany where had 4 children and did Waldorf Teacher Diploma. Moved back to SA and worked as Waldorf class teacher and then Teacher Trainer for 18 years. Moved to Dornach in 2013 to take up a position in the Executive Council at the Goetheanum.

Meditation as a tool to self awareness and healthy effectivity in daily life, is no longer a hidden secret reserved for those who follow an inner path of development. It has become a well researched and widely practiced part of life for people all over the world, from all walks of life and levels of occupation. It seems appropriate that we join in the general conversation, drawing from the wealth of methodological guidelines and rich content given by Rudolf Steiner.

The convergaece of the spirit in the world and a substantial re-cognizing of the spirit within each individual, holds the potential of opening an imaginative, poetic, aesthetic space in which the riddles of present day life can be explored.

Joan Sleigh will be part of the workgroup <Threshold Experiences in our Time - Stepping into the Unknown>

Read the interview with Joan Sleigh here

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